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2014-08-29 14:55:42 来源:德托机械 浏览:1487


DuraPort Flanged See-Thru Fused Sight Glass

The DuraPort Flanged See-Thru Sight Flow Indicator utilizes the same lens assemblies as the DuraPort Weld- In units set in an inline configuration. The clarity of the DuraPort lenses will allow the user to easily distinguish flow in the line as well as color or clarity of the material. These units are also available with a drip tube, flapper, or rotor to help distinguish flow in clear material. It employs standard ANSI B16.5 Weld Neck Flange ends to specified face-to-face dimensions. Other connections are available upon request, including stub-end with lap joint flanges, butt-weld, threaded or sanitary. These units can be adapted to meet smaller or larger size flange connections if necessary. Other drillings such as DIN are available upon request.

Materials of Construction:

Ring: 2205 Stainless Steel; 316 Stainless Steel; Hastelloy; Carbon Steel
Glass: Borosilicate; Soda Lime
Cover: 304 or 316 Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel; Hastelloy
Body & Connections: 304 or 316 Stainless Steel; Carbon Steel; Hastelloy
Gaskets: Teflon; Grafoil; Gylon; JM-961; G9800; etc.
Hardware: 18-8 Stainless Steel; Carbon Steel

上海德托机械有限公司是宝钢,太重,西门子,中海油,中船704所 ,SMS西马克,国核电站,营口五矿,中信洛矿,宝冶集团等国内外大中型企业的长期供应商,同时又与中冶京诚,中船设计院,宝钢工程,中冶赛迪,包钢院,中冶南方,中国重型机械研究所等国内设计院建立了长期的合作关系。



优势代理:Gysin减速机及全系列产品;Valeo电机及全系列产品;Nidec电机及全系列产品;Hwang风机及全系列产品;Billy pugh吊笼及全系列产品; IBS BatchControl电子模块及全系列产品;Brevini减速机及全系列产品;GKN万向轴及全系列产品.


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