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2014-08-29 14:56:11 来源:德托机械 浏览:1704


Daman Products Co., Inc. is a leader in the design and manufacture of hydraulic valve manifolds supplied worldwide through distribution. We maintain our leadership position through constant monitoring and updating of our business, engineering, and manufacturing systems implemented to ensure that outstanding products and service are delivered to our customers consistently over time.

This Week's Delivery Status

If you have a project that requires faster delivery than listed below, give us a call.


Current Custom product delivery:

Aluminum 3-4 weeks (under 100 lbs.)

Ductile and heavy aluminum 5-6 weeks


Current standard product delivery:

Stocked Items are available the same day

Non-stocked items 1-2 weeks

上海德托机械有限公司是宝钢,太重,西门子,中海油,中船704所 ,SMS西马克,国核电站,营口五矿,中信洛矿,宝冶集团等国内外大中型企业的长期供应商,同时又与中冶京诚,中船设计院,宝钢工程,中冶赛迪,包钢院,中冶南方,中国重型机械研究所等国内设计院建立了长期的合作关系。



优势代理:Gysin减速机及全系列产品;Valeo电机及全系列产品;Nidec电机及全系列产品;Hwang风机及全系列产品;Billy pugh吊笼及全系列产品; IBS BatchControl电子模块及全系列产品;Brevini减速机及全系列产品;GKN万向轴及全系列产品.


电 话: 021-61811336 021-61811337 021-61811338 021-61813040

传 真: 021-61811340

邮 箱:info@daitto.com