进口joh.vollenbroich kg 仿形开关 凸轮开关 凸轮控制器
2014-08-29 14:54:49 来源:德托机械 浏览:2375
上海德托机械供应原装进口joh.vollenbroich kg 仿形开关 凸轮开关 凸轮控制器,品质保证,欢迎来电咨询!
For driving the rotary cam switch GSW100 the gearbox GV is suitable.
type number of type of gearbox ratio drive side
switching switching (input)
elements elements
*0) *1) *2) *2) *3)
Ordering instructions for type GSW100:
GSW100- 03 MNS [no statement] [no statement] [no statement]
06 MNSG GV Have a look l [left side]
09 MNST at the technical r [right side]
12 RD data of our
15 gearboxes!
Product overview:
*1) If the rotary cam switch is not fitted out with the complete number of switching elements, we need the
max. possible number of switching elements. The actually fitting must be described “in plain text”!
*2) We don’t need this information for a rotary cam switch without a gearbox.
*3) If this information is missing, the input is on the right side of the switch.
If you need a rotary cam switch with different switching elements or a switch in a special design,
please give a precise description “in plain text”!
For driving the rotary cam switch GSW100 the gearbox GV is suitable.
type number of type of gearbox ratio drive side
switching switching (input)
elements elements
*0) *1) *2) *2) *3)
Ordering instructions for type GSW100:
GSW100- 03 MNS [no statement] [no statement] [no statement]
06 MNSG GV Have a look l [left side]
09 MNST at the technical r [right side]
12 RD data of our
15 gearboxes!
Product overview:
*1) If the rotary cam switch is not fitted out with the complete number of switching elements, we need the
max. possible number of switching elements. The actually fitting must be described “in plain text”!
*2) We don’t need this information for a rotary cam switch without a gearbox.
*3) If this information is missing, the input is on the right side of the switch.
If you need a rotary cam switch with different switching elements or a switch in a special design,
please give a precise description “in plain text”!
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