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2015-04-20 16:39:18 来源:德托机械 浏览:4784


RIW制动器German RIW reducer, RIW brake, RIW coupling, RIW pulley, RIW rope wheel, RIW crane wheels, RIW rope pulley, RIW rope wheel, RIW buffer
RIW brake

RIW-Maschinenbau GmbH公司成立于1924年,专注起重机械行业,生产减速机、制动器、联轴器、滑轮、绳轮、起重机车轮、绳索轮、钢丝绳轮、缓冲器等起重机械零部件。


We offer

德国RIW减速机,RIW制动器,RIW联轴器,RIW滑轮,RIW绳轮,RIW起重机车轮,RIW绳索轮,RIW钢丝绳轮,RIW缓冲器German RIW reducer, RIW brake, RIW coupling, RIW pulley, RIW rope wheel, RIW crane wheels, RIW rope pulley, RIW rope wheel, RIW buffer
RIW brake





AKO Armaturen & Separations GmbH绝缘阀 
AKO Knife Gate Valve for Bulk Material Type C The AKO type C knife gate valve for bulk material is a unidirectional wafer valve which was designed especially for bulk ... 

AKO Armaturen & Separations GmbH刀型闸阀 
Knife Gate Valves AKO Type B The AKO type B knife gate valve is a bi-directional wafer valve for media of high consistency. Drive variants for the knife gate valves include a ... 

AKO Armaturen & Separations GmbH溢流阀 
溢流阀 溢流阀常应用于废水、泥桨以及悬浮液泵的旁路,也常作为各种罐体和设备的过压保护或卸载阀。 应用范围: ... 

AKO Armaturen & Separations GmbH夹阀 
AKO夹管阀 您在寻找可靠、经济的夹管阀解决方案? 安可奥阀门和筛选技术设备制造有限公司AKO Armaturen & Separations ... 

Zuwa-Zumpe GmbH离心泵 
The centrifugal pump type P is a suction centrifugal pump with peripheral impeller. It is a small, powerful and affordable pump for clean water. It is for domestic water ... 

Zuwa-Zumpe GmbH侧槽泵 
The self-priming side channel centrifugal pumps, constructed of bronze, are suitable for all fluids with a temperature up to 70°C without solids or abrasive particles. The ... 

Zuwa-Zumpe GmbH潜水泵 
WELL pumps are particularly suitable for lifting clear water from deep wells, for pressure boosting or irrigation. Application also for smaller well systems. 

Zuwa-Zumpe GmbH污水泵 
Vortex pumps by Zuwa are particularly suitable for sewage water with solid particles. Depending on pump type they transport solids of maximum 55 mm diameter.  

Zuwa-Zumpe GmbH隔膜泵 
The construction of the rugged ZUWA double piston diaphragm pumps provides for a constant and pulsation free transport of fluids. The pumps work in a medium pressure range and ... 

Zuwa-Zumpe GmbH桶泵 
Electric fuel pump for convenient refuelling of commercial vehicles. Transports diesel fuel and fuel oil from barrels, tanks and containers. Comes with small hand pump for priming. 

Zuwa-Zumpe GmbH叶轮泵 
Flexible impeller pumps are dry self-priming with a suction height of max. 3 meters. It is not necessary to fill the pumps before putting them into operation. Containers can be ... 

Zuwa-Zumpe GmbH滚子泵 
The Roller pumps is used for gentle pulsation and promotion of clean media without abrasion materials. It is particularly suitable for applications with medium pressure. The ... 

Gefa Processtechnik GmbH食品泵 
Food pumps and pneumatic double diaphragm pump with no electrical connection have been developed for the rapid "cutting" or for CIP cleaning in place) and is available as 304 ... 

Gefa Processtechnik GmbH节流阀 
Throttle valve for installation between flanges DIN EN 1092-1, PN10 (DN80- N150:PN10/16) One-piece body with centering lugs, end-to-end stem, flat disc design with excellent ... 


Gefa Processtechnik GmbH套式球阀 
With the ball valve DG 1 presents the user a modern and reliable valve available to a far-reaching. Use in the industry among the various and different operating conditions ... 

Gefa Processtechnik GmbH流量指示器 
Mechanical flow indicators are used for visual monitoring of flow in pipes from ½ "to 1 ½". 

Gefa Processtechnik GmbH双隔膜泵 
Air operated double diaphragm pumps with no electrical connection have a Solid housing. These compact pumps are 316 stainless steel, aluminum and specialty metals including ... 


Gefa Processtechnik GmbH滑板阀 
Knife gate valve for installation between flanges as per DIN EN 1092-1,with self cleaning plate guidance and rinse edges, self adjusting COMPACT-Cross-seal towards the ...  

Gefa Processtechnik GmbH止回阀 
Check Valves Series C will be clamped between flanges PN 10/16. In this design, the free opening cross section is reduced. The opening angle is limited by the tube wall at ... 

Gefa Processtechnik GmbH法兰球阀 
Two-piece stainless steel flanged ball valve. DN 15 – DN 100 : PN 10/40 DIN 3202 F4 / F5 EN 558-1 line 27/15 DIN 3202 F1 EN 558-1 line 28 Made of stainless steel and ... 

KSB AG离心泵 
The multi-Eco ® is a multistage, self-priming centrifugal pump. They can be used for domestic water supply, entered the garden and plant irrigation, or rain water for ... 

KSB AG潜水泵 
Amacan K – the robust choice for heavy duties. This pump feels truly at home in fluids where other discharge column hydraulics have long given up. 

上海德托机械有限公司是宝钢,太重,西门子,中海油,中船704所 ,SMS西马克,国核电站,营口五矿,中信洛矿,宝冶集团等国内外大中型企业的长期供应商,同时又与中冶京诚,中船设计院,宝钢工程,中冶赛迪,包钢院,中冶南方,中国重型机械研究所等国内设计院建立了长期的合作关系。



优势代理:Gysin减速机及全系列产品;Valeo电机及全系列产品;Nidec电机及全系列产品;Hwang风机及全系列产品;Billy pugh吊笼及全系列产品; IBS BatchControl电子模块及全系列产品;Brevini减速机及全系列产品;GKN万向轴及全系列产品.


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