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2015-04-20 16:41:41 来源:德托机械 浏览:3923


ROLLWAY castor, ROLLWAY wheels, ROLLWAY car accessories
ROLLWAY castor




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ROLLWAY castor, ROLLWAY wheels, ROLLWAY car accessories
ROLLWAY castor






KSB AG高压泵 
Horizontal, radially-split, product- lubricated, multistage ring-section pump with radial impellers and plain bearings. Axial and radial single-entry inlet. Duplex stainless ... 

KSB AG污水泵 
Dry-installed horizontal or vertical volute casing pump with single-vane, multi-vane and free flow impellers. Applications: pumping charged, solids- containing fluids, sewage, ... 

Fergo Armaturen GmbH刀型闸阀 

Erhard GmbH & Co. KG隔膜阀 

Fergo Armaturen GmbH高压球阀 

Fergo Armaturen GmbH型过滤器 

Fergo Armaturen GmbH滑板阀 

Fergo Armaturen GmbH楔形闸阀 

Fergo Armaturen GmbH节流阀 

Verder Deutschland GmbH回转式活塞泵 
Rotary lobe pumps are characterized by their robust design and from the very good cleaning properties and make these pumps in many areas high hygiene standards are used. 

Verder Deutschland GmbH旋转泵 
Rotary Piston Pumps Series Classic + offer for virtually all applications in the food and pharmaceutical industry, the ideal conditions. This pump provides a constant flow ... 


Verder Deutschland GmbH离心泵 
Centrifugal Pumps Series GLMD and GPMD are suitable for medium flow rates and pressure heads and impress with an excellent price-performance ratio. With the options of ... 

Verder Deutschland GmbH齿轮泵 
The new PFA-lined gear pump is the best choice for inorganic acids, alkalis and salts, which could be promoted because of their corrosive properties otherwise only with pumps ... 


Verder Deutschland GmbH蠕动泵 
The Verderflex hose pump range is characterized by the highest quality and can be optimally adapted to your application. These industrial pumps reduce downtime and maintenance ... 

AKO Armaturen & Separations GmbH滑板阀 
Knife Gate Valves AKO Type A The knife gate valve is a ni-directional wafer valve for general industrial application. The nominal widths available range from DN050 to ... 


Aircraft Kompressorenbau und Maschinenhandel ...螺杆压缩机 
Screw compressors for demanding users with frequency control Product Features: - Series AS standard with modern Graphic LCD controller (BASIC) and pressure sensor - ... 


Aircraft Kompressorenbau und Maschinenhandel ...活塞压缩机 
Piston compressors - Stationary Compressors - 15 bar and lying container and refrigeration dryers. Product Features: - The two-stage condensing twin-cylinder high ... 

Jun Air压缩机隔音柜 
这类机柜可以进一步降低 原已是低噪音无油压缩机的声音发射,达到仅为一般压缩机的四分之一 的水平。机柜针对每种型号专门设 ... 

Jun Air无油压缩机 
JUN-AIR compressors are quiet in operation and supply clean, oil-less compressed air to ensure optimum conditions for pubs, bars, restaurants, and sports arenas. 

Jun Air沉默压缩机 
无油系列压缩机的储气鼓的内部都 有粉末涂层可以防止腐蚀,确保高质 量的空气和延长储气鼓使用寿命。 JUN-AIR ... 

Erhard GmbH & Co. KG球阀 
Ball Valves for diverse applications with water and sewage, particularly at high flow rates (up to max. 15 m/s) and high pressure stages up to PN 160. Specification: – ... 

Erhard GmbH & Co. KG截止阀 
Butterfly Valves with robust design, variable drive technology, suitable for any installation situation and variant with weightloaded hydraulic actuator. Also available with …

上海德托机械有限公司是宝钢,太重,西门子,中海油,中船704所 ,SMS西马克,国核电站,营口五矿,中信洛矿,宝冶集团等国内外大中型企业的长期供应商,同时又与中冶京诚,中船设计院,宝钢工程,中冶赛迪,包钢院,中冶南方,中国重型机械研究所等国内设计院建立了长期的合作关系。



优势代理:Gysin减速机及全系列产品;Valeo电机及全系列产品;Nidec电机及全系列产品;Hwang风机及全系列产品;Billy pugh吊笼及全系列产品; IBS BatchControl电子模块及全系列产品;Brevini减速机及全系列产品;GKN万向轴及全系列产品.


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